
An easy way to include all files within a directory. Note: This is a fork of felixge's require-all which allows for optional includes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An easy way to include all node.js modules within a directory.

This is a fork of felixge's awesome module, require-all (https://github.com/felixge/node-require-all) which adds a few extra capabilities:

  • the ability to include-all a directory as optional.
  • the ability to recursively stat a directory, instead of actually requiring the modules (via the dontLoad option)
  • the ability to filter by path, not just filename (pathFilter)


var controllers = require('include-all')({
  dirname     :  __dirname + '/controllers',
  filter      :  /(.+Controller)\.js$/,
  excludeDirs :  /^\.(git|svn)$/

// controllers now is an object with references to all modules matching the filter
// for example:
// { HomeController: function HomeController(req, res) {...}, ...}

### Optional include
var models = require('include-all')({
  dirname     :  __dirname + '/models',
  filter      :  /(.+)\.js$/,
  excludeDirs :  /^\.(git|svn)$/,
  optional    :  true

// models now is an object with references to all modules matching the filter
// but if __dirname + /models doesn't exist, instead of throwing an error, {} is returned
// for example:
// { User: { attributes: {}, adapter: 'dirty', ...}, ...}

Filter by filepath

var models = require('include-all')({ dirname : __dirname + '/controllers', filterPath : /(.+)/(.+).js$/, excludeDirs : /^.(git|svn)$/ });