
For whom prefers reading than watching

Primary LanguagePython


For whom prefers reading than watching


YouTube Video Notion Page
YouTube Video Notion Page
https://youtu.be/REeROakzwfU https://www.notion.so/You-Will-Never-Be-Lazy-Again-Jim-Kwik-0894d54029404df7984650be014224f4

How it works

  1. Get a youtube video id, a notion token v2, a notion page id by user input
  2. Download the youtube video by youtube-dl
  3. Split the video into thumbnail images per second by ffmpeg
  4. Download the youtube video's subtitle data by youtube_transcript_api
  5. Generate a markdown formatted file with the thumbnail images and subtitle
  6. Upload the markdown to notion by md2notion

How to use

  1. run youtube2notion container
# docker-compose up -d
  1. translate youtube to notion command
# ./run-command.sh

Enter a video id:
Enter a notion page url:
Enter a notion token v2:
Enter a text language: ex) ko, ja, de ...