
A simple python implementation of an EVM compatible faucet.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple python implementation of an EVM compatible faucet.

Python API


Python +3.x


cd api
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

Run application

Check .env.example for reference.

cd api
python3 -m flask --app api run --port 8000

Run tests

cd api
python3 -m unittest discover -p 'test_*.py'

Run specific test case:

cd api
python3 -m unittest tests.test_api.TestAPI.test_ask_route_blocked_users

Run Flake8 and isort

cd api
python3 install -r requiremenets-dev.txt
isort **/*.py --atomic
python3 -m flake8


Add enabled tokens

To enable tokens on the API just run the command create_enabled_token. Accepted parameters: token name, chain ID, token address, maximum amount per day per user, whether native or erc20

Samples below:

cd /api
flask -A api create_enabled_token GNO 10200 0x19C653Da7c37c66208fbfbE8908A5051B57b4C70 0.01 erc20
flask -A api create_enabled_token xDAI 10200 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0.01 native

Once enabled, the token will appear in the list of enabled tokens on the endpoint api/v1/info.

Change maximum daily amounts per user

If you want to change the amount you are giving out for a specific token, make sure you have sqlite installed on the server, e.g. apk update && apk add sqlite.

Enter the database: sqlite path/to/database

Search for the token to update: select chain_id, max_amount_day from tokens where name = 'xDAI' Update amount: update tokens set max_amount_day = 0.00015 where chain_id = 100;

ReactJS Frontend


NodeJS v18.x


nvm use

cd app

Run application

cd app
yarn start