
About: A consensus client with a heavy focus on speed and security. Built by Sigma Prime, an information security and software engineering firm who have funded Lighthouse along with the Ethereum Foundation, Consensys, and private individuals.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Lighthouse Client - Docker


This repository has been archived, please refer to https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse for further reference.

This projects builds a customized version of the lighthouse client with Gnosischain modifications. Those include the integrations with different testnets.

Images are referenced under the following pattern gnosischain/{client_provider}-{node_type}:{upstream_version}-{testnet}

Pulling the latest lighthouse beacon client on chiado testnet would look like this:

docker pull gnosischain/lighthouse-beacon:latest-chiado

Lighthouse reference

Starting Lighthouse in Chiado testnet

  1. Add an .env file with your fee recepient and graffiti
  1. Add your keystores in ./keystores and their password in a file ./keystores/password.txt to get this file structure:

Note, keystores MUST follow one of these file names

  • keystore-m_12381_3600_[0-9]+_0_0-[0-9]+.json The format exported by the eth2.0-deposit-cli library (source)
  • keystore-[0-9]+.json The format exported by Prysm (source)
├── docker-compose.yml
├── .env
├── jwtsecret
└── keystores/
    ├── keystore-001.json
    ├── keystore-002.json
    └── password.txt
  1. Run ./setup.sh to create a new ./jwtsecret token + import your validators.
  1. Start docker-compose.yml services from this repository
docker-compose up -d