
Lodestar is an open-source Ethereum Consensus client and Typescript ecosystem, maintained by ChainSafe Systems. This repo offers Gnosischain modifications.

Primary LanguageDockerfile



This repository is no longer supported as native Gnosis Chain support has been introduced in the upstream. Please use the official documentation.

Lodestar Client - Docker

This projects builds a customized version of the lodestar client with Gnosischain modifications. Those include the integrations with different testnets.

Images are referenced under the following pattern gnosischain/{client_provider}-{node_type}:{upstream_version}-{testnet} for example

docker pull gnosischain/lodestar-beacon:latest-chiado

Lodestar reference

Starting lodestar in Chiado testnet

As an example we can run with version v.0.41.0 in testnet chiado:

  1. Create a file ./jwtsecret with a random 32 bytes hex string
echo -n 0x$(openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n") > ./jwtsecret
  1. Add an .env file with your fee recepient and graffiti
  1. Add your keystores in ./keystores and their password in a file ./keystores/password.txt to get this file structure:
├── docker-compose.yml
├── .env
├── jwtsecret
└── keystores/
    ├── keystore-001.json
    ├── keystore-002.json
    └── password.txt
  1. Copy and paste the docker-compose.yml from this repository, then
docker-compose up -d