
This repo describes the way of running custom ETH2.0 network from scratch

Primary LanguageSolidity

This repo describes the way of running custom ETH2.0 network from scratch

Step 0

Choose a minimal number of validators to run (e.g. 16). Beacon chain will not start with smaller amount.

Setup env file. Template is in .env.example.

Build helper docker image:


Step 1

Generate keystore files and deposit data for all validators.

This can be done by running the following:

./scripts/generate.sh 16

This command runs the docker container with the forked version of official eth2.0-deposit-cli.

First argument is the fork version to run (analogue of eth1 chain id, mainnet uses 00000000) - 4 hex-encoded bytes without 0x prefix. Second argument is the number of validators to generate.

You will see the generated master-key mnemonic. You need to copy and re-enter it once again, then you will finally see the generation process.

After command completion, you can find all artifacts in ./validator_keys/ directory. There will be N keystore files and 1 file describing all deposit configurations.

Step 2

Deploy new deposit contract.


This will deploy and output the deployed contract address in the stdout. You can verify the contract source code manually in etherscan by using the code in ./src/artifacts/Deposit.sol.

Step 3

Execute deposits.

./scripts/deposit.sh $(pwd)/validator_keys/deposit_data-*.json 0x<deposit_contract_data>

First argument is the deposit data file generated in Step 1. Second argument is the address of the deposit contract.

Step 4

Prepare yaml config for beacon chain. Template can be found in ./beacon/config.template.yml

Pay attention to the following parameters:


Other parameters may be left unchanged.

Step 5

Get binaries for Prysm client.

git clone https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm.git

cd prysm

./prysm.sh beacon-chain --download-only
./prysm.sh validator --download-only

Step 6

Run two ETH2.0 beacon nodes:

Replace your own deployment blocks, rpc urls and ENR records.

# In one shell:
./prysm.sh beacon-chain --force-clear-db \
  --contract-deployment-block 8957245 \
  --http-web3provider https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/... \
  --bootstrap-node "" \
  --config-file config.yml \
  --chain-config-file config.yml \
  --disable-sync \
  --verbosity debug \
  --datadir ./db1
# In other shell (find ENR string in the logs of first node):
./prysm.sh beacon-chain --force-clear-db \
  --contract-deployment-block 8957245 \
  --http-web3provider https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/... \
  --bootstrap-node "" \
  --config-file config.yml \
  --chain-config-file config.yml \
  --disable-sync \
  --verbosity debug \
  --datadir ./db2 \
  --grpc-gateway-port 3501 \
  --rpc-port 4001 \
  --p2p-udp-port 12001 \
  --p2p-tcp-port 13001 \
  --peer "enr:-LK4QNfE6jyAqGmgltwWON3UGU4XJNBQyHmmDJK_Y0D7V8byCbey11CVTbkM2cYi40QRirmBlbb-o3jdEjSWLDBfx18Bh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpAnXvoeEjQSNP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhMCoHxmJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQLCcyeQHzBlQItaDh2OhE4DLFHCgUrf_L28D1K02He4z4N0Y3CCMsiDdWRwgi7g"

Run validator connected to the first node:

./prysm.sh validator wallet recover
./prysm.sh validator --config-file config.yml --chain-config-file config.yml

Step 7

Verify that both node make some progress in mining blocks:
