A Burp Suite plugin/extension that offers a shell in Burp. Both useful for OS Command injection and LFI exploration
- 0ktavandi
- 0x516A
- 0xElkotTelecom Egypt
- 0xprashantfirecompass
- 0xy37Saudi Arabia
- abhinavprasad47
- aryanguenthneryour computer is my other computer
- attacker-codeninja
- azizur235A2Secure
- bk-raoIndia
- c4ng4c3ir0
- cesar-castroBrazil
- deeexcee
- emadshanabEmad Shanab
- fieldraccoonUnited Kingdom
- gagaltotal
- gnothiseautonlw
- kfalconspbLas Vegas, NV
- mikhail-netToulouse
- pc010197
- PropolisaAmsterdam, Netherlands
- purtyb1tch92
- r0eXpeRChina,ShangHai
- rajesh6927
- rancho666
- rudSarkar1.1.1.0/24
- saberzaid
- sh4hin
- shaikhyaserCanada
- shifty0gUK
- thelostworldFree
- tk-t0n0ylocalhost
- tranquac/dev/null
- udpsec
- xixikotete
- YOunGWebER