Primary LanguageC++


For lack of a better name, this project is currently called UnB-SCR.


An attempt to evolve TORCS controller(s).


As per the "Simulated Car Racing Championship Competition Software Manual" (v2 - April 2013), install TORCS 1.3.6. The setup.sh script should do it, but take a look at the instructions first, you may want to do it by yourself.

Download this project's files anywhere you want them (say, "~/workspace"), the client works through UDP.


Depends on what you want...

If you only want to build the client driver, its the ClientMakefile, if you want a full simulation, see regular Makefile


The "src/client" contains Loiacono's client files, which are essential to build your client - let's call him EasyDriver. So you should create the "EasyDriver" directory in the "src" folder and put your controller files (EasyDriver.h and EasyDriver.cpp there). Basically, EasyDriver must inherit BaseDriver and implement the "drive" function (see the manual for simulation I/O details). After that, just run "make -f ClientMakefile DRIVER=EasyRider" and you'll get your client executable for TORCS simulations.

To check if it's working, just run TORCS, configure a race in which a driver is scr_server driver and then run the executable file you created. You can test this with SCR's SimpleDriver files that come with this project as follows:

$ make -f ClientMakefile DRIVER=SimpleDriver
$ torcs &

And then (assuming you started a properly configured race):



Assuming the drivers are compiled according to the ClientMakefile scheme, this builds the controllers specified by DRIVERS argument and starts a simulation with them, considering the configuration specified in RACE_XML argument.

For example:

$ make DRIVERS="SimpleDriver EasyRider" RACE_XML=~HOME/.torcs/race_2.xml


To run TORCS in text-mode, the XML configuration file must be given with absolute path.