
React wrapper for keypress.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React wrapper for Keypress.js

This library is a react wrapper around the excellent Keypress.js https://dmauro.github.io/Keypress/.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save keypress-react


This library has 3 public components.

  1. KeyboardShortcutsProvider is the Context Provider Component

      import { KeyboardShortcutsProvider } from 'keypress-react'

    This should be at the top of the component tree for which you want to enable shortcuts. It passes the keyboard shortcut context down to your app. All the keyboard shortcut are store in this context.

  2. KeyboardShortcut is the Shortcut Component

    import { KeyboardShortcut } from 'keypress-react'

    This component take the props combo along with the callback and the description.

    <KeyboardShortcuts combo="shift a" callback={callback} description="Example Shortcut" />
  3. withKeyboardShortcuts is the HOC Component

    import { withKeyboardShortcuts } from 'keypress-react'

    This is a higher order components. This will inject a prop keyboardShortcuts into the provided component. This props contains all the keyboard shortcuts. It is an array of objects with value and description keys.



MIT © [Govind N Sharma](https://github.com/Govind N Sharma)