
gridZ - whatever it may become

Primary LanguageKotlinGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Just playing around with KorGE

gridZ is a little test project to play around with the multiplatform game engine KorGE. I have a little sandbox maze game in mind, with lots of mechanics. Not really a puzzler, but more like a speed-runner, hunting for the best time.

You can try a snapshot of the game (maybe not the latest version) here: http://www.gnu.at/gridz or download the JAR-file (Java-17 required): http://www.gnu.at/gridz.jar

Screenshot of the game

Run with

  • ./gradlew :runJvm
  • ./gradlew :runJsRelease -> installs to ./build/www/ (open the listed URL in a browser)

Control the character with:


  • left stick to move
  • A to go to next level after current level completed
  • B reset the current level
  • Start pause (toggle)
  • LB previous level
  • RB next level


  • press and hold the right mouse button to move
  • press the left mouse button to go to next level after current level completed

Keyboard (not recommended)

  • use the arrow keys to move
  • B previous level
  • N next level
  • Enter reset the current level
  • Space go to the next level after current level completed
  • P pause (toggle)
  • Esc end the game and close the window

Create an executable JAR-file with:

  • ./gradlew :packageJvmFatJar -> ./build/lib/gridz-all.jar

To deploy an Android app:

  • Enable targetAndroid() in build.gradle.kts
  • Create a file local.properties with the following content (use your local Android-SDK installation path): sdk.dir=C\:\\Users\\myuser\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk
  • Pair your Android device (get the IP and port from the development settings after enabling WLAN-debugging)
adb pair <ip>:<port>
adb connect <ip>:<port>
adb devices
  • ./gradlew :runAndroidRelease