
a cli tool for generating directory/file trees, useful for giving openai a description of how your files are laid out

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Directory Tree Generator

A Node.js global install package that generates a directory tree structure in markdown format.


Clone or download this repository.

Navigate to the project directory in the command line. Run npm install to install the dependencies.

run npm link to install the CLI locally


To generate a directory tree and display it in the console: directory-tree

To generate a directory tree and write it to a file: directory-tree -o <output-file-name>

To include hidden files and directories in the tree: directory-tree -h

To generate the directory tree in JSON format: directory-tree -j

To generate the directory tree in JSON format and write it to a file: directory-tree -jo <output-file-name> Replace with the desired name of the output file.


To run the unit tests, follow these steps:

Make sure you have Mocha installed globally: npm install -g mocha Run the tests: mocha Make sure to modify and expand the README as needed, providing any additional information that may be relevant to users.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.