
The UI for Kafka-zk-restapi

Primary LanguageVue


Kafka-zk-restapi-UI : A web application for Kafka-zk-rest-api Kafka-zk-restapi

How to Run the application

Download Kafka-zk-restapi-UI project code and Kafka-zk-restapi project code.

git clone https://github.com/gnuhpc/Kafka-zk-restapi.git

git clone https://github.com/gnuhpc/Kafka-zk-restapi-UI.git

Start up Kafka-zk-restapi

For a detailed explanation on how to start Kafka-zk-restapi, check out the Kafka-zk-restapi

Start up Kafka-zk-restapi-UI

cd Kafka-zk-restapi-UI

Install dependencies

npm install

Modify configs in config/index.js

  1. Modify target to the real Kafka-zk-restapi application address: proxyTable: { '/kafkaRes/paas-kafka': { target:'http://localhost:8121', changeOrigin: true, pathRewrite: { '^/kafkaRes/paas-kafka': '' } } },
  2. Modify host and port of this application: host: 'localhost', // can be overwritten by process.env.HOST port: 8088

Run the application

npm run dev

Access web project



KafkaDashboard TopicManage TopicPartitionView ConsumersGetByTopic ManualReassignPartitions MessageView SchemaView ConsumerGroup TopicsGetByGroup ConsumersGetByGroupAndTopic