- 0
Pybombs failed to building gnuradio-default undefined reference to `fftwf_set_planner_hooks'
#629 opened by fabiozerbetto - 0
Unable to create a simple `pip install` recipe
#619 opened by mcdiarmid - 7
Error installing package libvolk
#614 opened by capsulecorplab - 4
uhd problem
#628 opened by Eetuheino03 - 1
Do I always have to set environment before running?
#627 opened by hfarooq98 - 1
Python API with UHD
#626 opened by sreejith-tvs - 0
Mac Error: Current platform "darwin 21" does not match expected platform "darwin 20"
#625 opened by jacknaguib - 3
- 4
could not find GrSwig.
#624 opened by hfarooq98 - 2
Failed to start gnuradio-default(3.8) follow the "To run PyBOMBS (Quickstart)" on Ubuntu 18.04.3
#570 opened by takurx - 1
C port is not detected by pybomb
#623 opened by SuhailAhamedlearner - 0
Error while installing GNU Radio
#622 opened by wutzzz - 5
Pybombs failed to build uhd
#621 opened by alexis084 - 2
installation problem of gr-ieee-80211, version 3.9
#620 opened by franckstik - 0
[ERROR] macOS: Package has no install method: qt5
#618 opened by k-bx - 0
can't import uhd from gnuradio
#617 opened by angry-man - 1
PyBombs create an empty GnuRadio-3.8 folder while installing GnuRadio-3.10 in the gr310 folder
#616 opened by LionSoft91 - 1
- 2
Error installing package uhd after running, `pybombs prefix init ~/gr38 -R gnuradio-default`
#613 opened by capsulecorplab - 3
Faiure of source build with pybombs recipe gnuradio-default with swig arguments
#612 opened by john-g8cqx - 0
[ERROR] Problem occurred while building package pyyaml: Unresolved install path.
#611 opened by Andre-Capjoy - 1
SWIG Error installing GNURadio3.8 with Pybombs
#610 opened by nbulk - 0
- 1
- 1
Pybombs swallows parameters for command to be run: `pybombs run cmake --version`
#604 opened by marcusmueller - 0
- 2
Downloading recipes not possible with Python 3.9
#602 opened by dominformant - 0
pybombs install gnuradio dies while install uhd due to a space char in the filepath
#601 opened by zl3ag - 1
"Could not find recipe" despite recipe being in list
#600 opened by antonott - 2
USRP - N300 RunTimeError
#599 opened by nielsvanetten - 1
Adding conda support
#595 opened by ryanvolz - 0
Unhelpful message when trying to install package from source with no source given in recipie
#597 opened by software-opal - 0
Error instaling UHD with PyBOMBS
#596 opened by fdgm0001 - 4
PyBOMBS fails to detect scikit-commpy via pip
#574 opened by jdemel - 1
Error installing package gr-iqbal with PyBOMBS
#594 opened by fdgm0001 - 1
#593 opened by RubioHernan - 1
- 2
Installation error
#589 opened by nbertamoni - 3
[Ubuntu 18.04/3.7] Repository not found
#583 opened by johnthagen - 3
New maintainer needed for PyBOMBS
#577 opened by mbr0wn - 7
- 3
Installing pybombs starts to play pacman
#571 opened by TylerTucker - 2
Installing Gnuradio 3.8 via Pybombs
#582 opened by oayan - 2
Fix or remove the github pybombs wiki?
#580 opened by wiml - 2
- 0
- 1
Failed to install qt5 - Ubuntu 18.04.3
#567 opened by Edson-PU2TNO - 7
Installing gnuradio fails on building pyyaml
#572 opened by cafeclimber - 4
- 0
Add python-qwt5-qt4 as dep?
#568 opened by devnulling