
stupid basic java spring boot template

Primary LanguageJava

     ____.                     ___________                   .__          __          
    |    |____ ___  _______    \__    ___/___   _____ ______ |  | _____ _/  |_  ____  
    |    \__  \\  \/ /\__  \     |    |_/ __ \ /     \\____ \|  | \__  \\   __\/ __ \ 
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\________(____  /\_/  (____  /   |____| \___  >__|_|  /   __/|____(____  /__|  \___  >
              \/           \/               \/      \/|__|             \/          \/ 

Opinionated Java Spring template

This repo holds two small projects, a service discovery and a generic REST microservice. The service discovery is a simple Eureka server which allows to the microservice client to talk to other microservices without knowing the real URL. Look a the other features the microservice offers out of the box.


Import the two projects and run boot. Import the postman collection into postman and from there you can ping the APIs.
