This repo contains information and analysis related to Joseph Bulbulia's contribution to the "Many Analysts" project. This project investigates relationship between spirituality and well-being
The project evolved quite substantially from the first analysis. My initial submission included an analysis of belief in God and anxiety. The statistical association between belief in God and distress is negative. However that is unlikely to reflect a causal effect. The first version worked through this example as well as the church attendance example. However at review it became clear that I had attempted to bit off more than the I could chew in a brief commentary. So I dropped the Belief in God analysis and discussion. I also simplified the statistical model. Initially I had adopted a regression assuming an ordinal outcome distribution. The graphs were nice, however the assumption made no difference to the inference. Although the published version is cleaner, I still worry that my writing and analysis is too compressed, and that the audience probably won't take away enough of what I had hoped they might. This provides motivation to come back to the concepts covered here in other work.
All previous analyses are in a (disordered) "History folder".
The main analysis is clearly labelled on the main repo, as are the data. Figs are in "figs" and the latex files for the manuscript are in "RRB-Publication-Files"
Please write me if you have any questions: