- 0
Add DrawElementsInstancedWithOffset function
#127 opened by mokiat - 0
- 6
Code that uses unsafe.Pointer to convert an integer-typed value held in memory into a pointer is illegal and must be rewritten
#63 opened by Wessie - 2
Add VertexAttribIPointerWithOffset function
#118 opened by hismailbulut - 2
- 9
- 1
- 5
EGL: C syntax
#16 opened by capnm - 29
support CGO call batching
#40 opened by slimsag - 11
OpenGL 4.6 support.
#90 opened by dmitshur - 5
Make constants typed
#86 opened by Grief - 10
Lack of extensions in the core profile
#77 opened by davidmanzanares - 4
More idiomatic bindings
#53 opened by tux21b - 2
Unmaintained project?
#78 opened by davidmanzanares - 5
vulkan support?
#76 opened by nergdron - 0
Multiple extensions?!
#75 opened by deceased0a - 6
- 2
Pointer checks in Go 1.6
#66 opened by EtienneBruines - 2
Vulkan API support?
#68 opened by deceased0a - 7
Generating EGL bindings fails
#67 opened by FlorianUekermann - 4
error generating package
#60 opened by ben-clayton - 10
- 8
go 1.4 compile time increased?
#50 opened by Inuart - 15
weird gl.CompileShader() gl.GetShaderInfoLog issue on OS X 10.6 (not on 10.7/10.8/linux)
#49 opened by notnot - 20
Str returns *int8
#47 opened by Inuart - 4
- 4
automagic debug binding
#32 opened by bryanturley - 0
- 4
ugly package synopsis
#39 opened by slimsag - 1
slim down glow
#23 opened by bryanturley - 4
glow generates invalid code for OpenGL 2.0
#37 opened by slimsag - 1
Add OpenGL 4.5 support
#33 opened by errcw - 0
run glow outside of the package directory
#35 opened by slimsag - 3
C types with arrays are not handled correctly
#18 opened by errcw - 4
Add sanitized prebuilt packages
#31 opened by errcw - 6
compat/vender extensions in core packages?
#24 opened by bryanturley - 4
Move examples to go-gl/examples
#22 opened by capnm - 4
Elaborate what to do with bugs in the xml file.
#21 opened by capnm - 3
Investigate possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer
#20 opened by capnm - 37
Idea for hotswappable GL versions
#15 opened by UserAB1236872 - 4
Include XML spec and doc files in the repository
#14 opened by errcw - 1
- 9
Fix uses of uintptr for Go 1.3
#8 opened by errcw - 0
Use go-gl/mathgl in the cube example
#10 opened by errcw - 2
- 8
Would it work for OpenGL 2.1?
#7 opened by dmitshur - 0
Add go-gettable packages
#5 opened by errcw - 0
Implement OpenGL debug callback support
#3 opened by errcw - 0
- 1
glx cannot convert type
#4 opened by doug