Experimental implementation of a proposed v2 encoding/json package
- 5
confusion with WithUnmarshalers
#33 opened by elv-gilles - 5
Decoding of custom uint8 stored in a slice cannot be decoded properly
#36 opened by element-of-surprise - 2
Question about Decoder.StackPointer
#31 opened by elv-gilles - 3
- 3
Add option to accept mis-sized arrays
#47 opened by dominikh - 1
- 3
- 5
Add support for omitnil
#53 opened by ivanjaros - 3
Option for Customizing Field Omission
#24 opened by inoc603 - 3
Feature: `format` as json.Options
#52 opened by morlay - 7
- 10
- 0
- 1
Allow `inline` tag on custom map key types that implement `encoding.Text*arshaler`
#50 opened by edkloczko - 2
- 13
- 2
Custom `format` Option
#46 opened by lmittmann - 5
Undefined Behaviour in Error Messages
#43 opened by lmittmann - 2
Somehow expose safeASCII option to outer types?
#44 opened by karalabe - 3
Wonky performance numbers when encoding the same thing through different interfaces
#45 opened by karalabe - 7
- 1
- 1
- 2
better error message with semantic errors
#35 opened by elv-gilles - 2
marshalerV2 vs marshalFuncV2
#34 opened by elv-gilles - 1
- 2
Can jsontext.Value contain whitespace?
#14 opened by nigeltao - 2
NewEncoder in v2
#18 opened by clarkk - 3
- 3
- 4
naming: add field naming conventions
#5 opened by tonybase - 1
- 7
- 2
JSON With Commas and Comments
#11 opened by tianon - 7
- 5
Kubernetes JSON
#7 opened by inteon - 8
Some questions about benchmarks
#6 opened by AsterDY