
can't start a go project.

connelevalsam opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Plugin version (or commit hash):Go 1.7.1

  • IDE name and version:Intellij CE

  • Java version:1.8.0_111

  • OS name and version: Ubuntu 16.04LTS

  • What are you trying to do?
    Start a go project though I've already started running it with sublime text2 and terminal.

  • What would you expect to happen?
    for it to be straight to the point.

  • What happens?
    Directory '/usr/local/go/src' is not writable!
    Please choose another project location.

Your issue description goes here.
Please be as detailed as possible

Followed your screenshot wiki docs but it's not getting past the choose project location where you suggested GOPATH which is ~/usr/local/go/src

Please include a go sample to reproduce the issue

Or include a screenshot / video of the issue.

the docs say to use ~/go not /usr/local/go. Do not create projects inside GOROOT.

good morning @dlsniper did that, it created a folder in my home directory. It works fine. Thanks to the intelliJ community and team.