Google Go language IDE built using the IntelliJ Platform
Pinned issues
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#2923 opened - 13
Step Over In Debug not working with GO 1.8
#2872 opened by jli3388 - 8
Cannot run debugger, permission denied
#2896 opened by abzfarah - 18
Plugin Not Working on IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2
#2898 opened by mcherri - 1
Fail to load plugin descriptor from file go-lang-idea-plugin-master.zip
#2919 opened by sonofwindsven - 19
- 1
Can't configure go SDK
#2921 opened by LCRONG - 8
Unresolved type for all standard Go types and functions
#2918 opened by Samyoul - 0
#2920 opened by happyvickyfxy - 1
Error to create a custom response
#2914 opened by Reti500 - 1
- 2
No plugins found
#2917 opened by hxun123 - 1
Fail to compile and run gotest
#2916 opened by Ewg-sha - 1
there is no go sdk option where new sdk to project.
#2915 opened by xiaoxuez - 1
- 1
- 3
Cannot change GOROOT
#2910 opened by brunoterkaly - 1
Renaming an interface method does not rename implementations
#2909 opened by glyn - 1
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packages in project GOPATH not getting resolved
#2906 opened by darkpssngr - 1
File Watcher - Default go fmt
#2905 opened by kevingentile - 1
Create new go file error
#2904 opened by elvizlai - 1
fallthrough statement out of place
#2903 opened by elbaro - 7
debug jumps to start panic
#2877 opened by rahmanme - 2
Improved Delve support for Go 1.9
#2901 opened by aarzilli - 2
- 1
Plugin Not Working on PHPSTORM 2017.2
#2900 opened by qqlee - 10
cannot install plugin on intellij eap 2017.2
#2890 opened by paologentili - 0
Document contrast with existing Go plugin from JetBrains
#2895 opened by binkley - 7
"The selected directory is not a valid home for Go SDK"
#2893 opened by lsisoft - 5
Exclude certain projects from indexing/GOPATH library
#2888 opened by ksrb - 3
Correct anonymous function signature not inserted
#2891 opened by ybbus - 1
Debug - replace string value
#2889 opened by giorgiootto - 1
Variables starting with "default" get unindented
#2887 opened by ifross89 - 1
install plugin from disk didn't work
#2886 opened by jazzmr - 4
Intellij Setup SDK problem on Mac OSX
#2879 opened by scheung38 - 2
No error when using string as int
#2885 opened by concatime - 1
- 0
unresolved reference 'int'
#2883 opened by thinkeridea - 8
Debugger: invalid frame; invalid return values
#2882 opened by juliandroid - 2
can't start a go project.
#2881 opened by connelevalsam - 15
- 2
intentionally ironic or typo
#2876 opened - 0
go debug error
#2875 opened by zuojinmin - 2
Status of this plugin
#2874 opened by fgblomqvist - 0
database/sql: (improve idea) Auto-detect inconsistency between args and placeholdes
#2873 opened by sintanial - 2
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any way to run make on a golang project inside IDEA and link to the source lines which have compile errors?
#2869 opened by jstrachan - 2
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