
Go library for making http requests from .http files.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go library for making http requests from .http files.


go get github.com/go-rq/rq

.http File Syntax

### <name of request>
< {% <pre-request
javascipt> %} 

<method> <url>

<request body>

< {% <post-request 
javascript> %}


Scripts can be embedded in the .http request directly or loaded from

### <name of request>
< path/to/script.js

<method> <url>

<request body>

< path/to/script.js

Scripting API

setEnv(key string, value string)

The runtime environment variables can be modified from either pre or post request script. No return value.

setEnv('host', 'http://localhost:8000');
getEnv(key string)

Returns the value of the environment variable key.

getEnv('host'); // returns 'http://localhost:8000'
assert(condition boolean, message string)

Some assertion which resolves to a boolean value can be made for the condition with a corresponding message. Each assertion is extracted from the scripting runtime and added to the Response object.

assert(response.status === 200, 'response code is 200');
log(message string)

Appends a log message to Request.Logs property allowing the go runtime to access debug information from the scripting runtime.

log(`the response status code was ${response.statusCode}`);
request and response objects

The response object is available in the post-request script and the request object is available in both the pre and post-request scripts. Changes made to these objects are not reflected in the actual request or response, rather they are used for assertions, control flow, and setting up the environment. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as the skip property on request, see the next section for more information.

request = {
    name: 'Create A User',
    method: 'POST',
    url: 'http://localhost:8000/users',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: `{
        name: 'r2d2'
response = {
    status: 'OK',
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: `{
        id: '1234',
        name: 'r2d2'

    // `json` is the parsed json body that is only available if the response Content-Type
    // header contains `application/json`
    json: {
      id: '1234',
      name: 'r2d2'
Skipping Requests (pre-request script)

You can prevent the request from being made from pre-request scripts being setting the skip property on the request object to true


### Create a User
< {% 
    setEnv('host', 'http://localhost:8000');
    setEnv('name', 'r2d2');
POST {{host}}/users
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "{{name}}"

< {% 
    assert(response.status === 200, 'response code is 200');

Running .http Files from Go Tests

The package treqs, short for Testing Requests, provides functions for running .http files from Go tests.

package test

import (


func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
    ctx := rq.WithEnvironment(context.Background(), 
    map[string]string{"host": "http://localhost:8080"}) 

    // run all requests in testdata/foo.http
    treqs.RunFile(t, ctx, "testdata/foo.http")
    // run all requests in all .http files in the testdata directory
    treqs.RunDir(t, ctx, "testdata")