The detail blog is here.
To my surprise, this library was featured on the ecosystem page of Trivy's official documentation!
This is an AWS CDK Construct that allows you to scan container images with Trivy in CDK deployment layer.
If it detects vulnerabilities, it can prevent the image from being pushed to the ECR for the application.
Since it takes an imageUri
for ECR as an argument, it can also be used to simply scan an existing image in the repository.
Trivy is a comprehensive and versatile security scanner.
- Install
npm install image-scanner-with-trivy
- CDK Code
import { ImageScannerWithTrivy } from 'image-scanner-with-trivy';
const repository = new Repository(this, 'ImageRepository', {
removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
autoDeleteImages: true,
const image = new DockerImageAsset(this, 'DockerImage', {
directory: resolve(__dirname, './'),
// Add properties you want for trivy options (ignoreUnfixed, severity, scanners, trivyIgnore, etc).
const imageScanner = new ImageScannerWithTrivy(this, 'ImageScannerWithTrivy', {
imageUri: image.imageUri,
repository: image.repository,
// By adding `addDependency`, if the vulnerabilities are detected by `ImageScannerWithTrivy`, the following `ECRDeployment` will not be executed, deployment will fail.
const ecrDeployment = new ECRDeployment(this, 'DeployImage', {
src: new DockerImageName(image.imageUri),
dest: new DockerImageName(`${repository.repositoryUri}:latest`),
API Reference is here.