
This service is a serverless mailing system (send-only) with a highly scalable that uses Amazon SES to send emails.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The description in Japanese is available on the following blog page. -> Blog

What is

This service is a serverless mailing system (send-only) with a highly scalable that uses Amazon SES to send emails.

These resources without Amazon SES are created by the AWS CDK. This service sends mails using the domain and addresses of your SES.

Architecture Diagram


Creation of Amazon SES

Amazon SES must be created in advance by you.

Parameter Change

Change parameters for this service in config.ts.

  • region
  • slackWorkspaceId
  • slackChannelId
  • senderAddress
    • This service sends mails using this email address.
    • Using your Amazon SES domains and email addresses.
export const configStackProps: ConfigStackProps = {
  env: {
    region: "ap-northeast-1",
  config: {
    slackWorkspaceId: "*********",
    slackChannelId: "*********",
    senderAddress: "***@***.***",


  • yarn install
  • yarn cdk deploy

How to use

  • Check SQS URL in CloudFormation Output after deployment.
  • Use aws-sdk or aws-cli to send messages to SQS.
    • Then this service starts and the mail sending process runs.
    • The message format is described below.

Attached File

  • Before sending a message to this service (SQS), Attached Files must be uploaded to S3 separately (by yourself or users).
    • This allows attachments larger than the SQS client's maximum message size!
    • The S3 Bucket will be created in this CDK stack.
    • Directory and file paths of the attached files on S3 : (mailKey)/(filename)
      • ex) 1636220209-101/test1.png
      • See below for the mailKey in above directory name(1636220209-101).

JSON format for messages to SQS endpoints

Your application needs to send messages to SQS based on the following json format.

(When sending attached files, you must upload them to S3 first.)


  • mailKey : string
    • Key to ensure uniqueness of mail
      • a "mailKey + toAddress" value to deduplicate mail through this service.
      • Define rules for mailKey on your application side.
        • ex) (timestamp)-(mail ID)
        • If you do not send multiple emails to the same user at the same time, you can just use a timestamp.
    • The mailKey must be the name of the directory (prefix) from which attached files are uploaded to S3.
      • ex) 1636220209-101/test1.png
  • subject : string
    • Subject of the email.
  • body : string
    • Body message of the email.
  • toAddress : string
    • Destination email address.
  • attachedFileKeys : string[]
    • Attached file name. Multiple file names can be specified.
      • The (filename) part of (mailKey)/(filename)
      • Do not include the directory part (mailKey).
    • If the name is not the same as the one uploaded to S3, an error will occur.
    • If there are no attached files, this key does not need to be specified.
      • no key or an empty array value.


  "mailKey": "1636220209-101",
  "subject": "This is subject.",
  "body": "This is body.\nOK.\n\nThank you.",
  "toAddress": "to_address@example.com",
  "attachedFileKeys": ["test1.png", "test2.png"]