
A project to show Webview in a cocos2d-x games on both iOS and Android platform

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This is a plugin/feature project to show Webview in a cocos2d-x games on both iOS and Android platform, If you want to use this code please fork or star this project, and I am happy to know that.

This project is under MIT License.

Main Feature

  • Support both cocos2d-x v2.x and cocos2d-x v3.x

    • [v2] branch: v2.x implements
    • [v3] branch: v3.x implements
  • Just copy and past to use this feature in your game.

  • Have both Chinese and English comments in source code.

  • Continuous update with cocos2d-x's upgrade.


  1. Copy the webview folder into your Classes folder (or anywhere you want to compile them).

  2. ** For iOS **

    Add these files into your project in XCode.


    Don't add webview/android folder !!! Which will result compile errors, such as 'xx symbols redefined'.

  3. ** For Andriod **

    1. Copy the org folder in android_package, into src in your android project folder. For example: proj.android/src/.

    2. Add these codes into your Android Main Activity Class.

       //import package
       import org.go3k.utilities.ZYWebView;
       //add code in onCreate function ---- THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!
    3. Update jni/Android.mk, add compile files and include folder. For exmaple:

       LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellocpp/main.cpp \
                  ../../Classes/AppDelegate.cpp \
                  ../../Classes/webview/ZYWebView.cpp \
                  ../../Classes/webview/android/ZYWebView_Android.cpp \
       LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../Classes \
  4. Show webview in cocos2d-x code

     #include "ZYWebView.h"
     ZYWebView* webview = new ZYWebView();
     webview->showWebView("http://go3k.org", 0, 0, 300, 300);
     // Then a webview window will appear in your game.
     // call these method as you wish
     //delete the pointer in the end
     delete webview;

For Chinese programmer:




cocos2d-x Add a new feature of show webview...

I find a new pull request of webview feature in cocos2d-x sourcecode project, the pull request content is under blow.

cocos2d-x webview pullrequest