
An application for taking attendance at meetups. Part of my Data Driven Web Applications with Angular.js course at Lynda.com

Primary LanguageCSS

Attendance Application

This is an application for a Lynda.com course on data-driven Angular.js Applications using FireBase.


  1. Make sure you have node.js and git installed on your machine.
  2. Clone this into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC) > git clone https://github.com/planetoftheweb/attendance.git
  3. CD to the folder cd angulardata
  4. Run > npm-install to install the project dependencies
  5. Install gulp.js via the Mac terminal or Gitbash on a PC > npm install -g gulp
  6. Run the Gulp command > gulp
  7. Fire up your browser at http://localhost:8080