
Monorepo of Nest.js packages on top of Yarn Workspaces + CI with Github Actions

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nestjs Packages Monorepo Example with Yarn Workspaces and Github Actions

Demo: Nestjs Packages Monorepo Example with Yarn Workspaces and Github Actions



  1. You need Node.js (>=18)


  1. Install the dependencies
  1. Run build for all packages
yarn build:packages
  1. Run unit tests for all packages
yarn test:ci:packages
  1. Run linter for all packages
yarn lint:packages

You can also build, test, lint a single package:

yarn workspace [package_name] build
# Example
yarn workspace @angulartist/utilities build
# Output
 PASS  test/specs/placeholder.spec.ts
    just test that the tests are testing
      ✓ dumb test (3 ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.487 s, estimated 2 s
Ran all test suites.


In order to publish a package, you have to generate a Github Personal access tokens with read:write packages permissions.

In case you'd like to publish a package from your local environment:

  1. Export the Github access token to NPM_TOKEN env variable
export NPM_TOKEN=[my-github-token]
  1. Tag a new package version:

Note: this project is using standard-version to automatically bump the package version and to update the changelog.

yarn workspace [package_name] run release:version
git push --follow-tags origin [your_branch]
  1. Publish the package:
yarn workspace [package_name] run release:publish

You can also publish a pre-release version, while I recommend you to do it from the CI pipeline.

yarn workspace [package_name] run release:version --prerelease next-[commit_hash_short_sha]

Add a new package

You can copy/paste a packages/utilities package and update the package.json file accordingly (name, version). You also have to update the Github workflow to add your new package to the matrix:

# .github/workflow/main.yml - stringify_packages job
# Edit that line
echo "packages={\"names\":[\"@angulartist/utilities\"]}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT


This project is using Github workflows/actions to build, lint, test the changes and to automatically release a new version of the packages.


Pushing to the main branch will result to releasing a new package version.

Pushing to any other branch will result to pre-releasing a new package version with the current branch commit hash.


  1. The setup requires that you add a secret at the project level CI_JOB_TOKEN=[my-github-token]

  2. You also have to add an environment variable at the project level ORG_EMAIL=[my-github-email]

  3. You have also to replace the packages' prefix with your own organization in the .github/workflows/main.yml file.