
Welcome to the GodotEngine GDExtension twovoip that applies the xiph/opus compression library (and optionally the xiph/rnnoise de-noiser and OVRLipSync viseme detector) to an audio stream of speech from the microphone. The starting point for this project was one-voip-godot-4.

Thanks to @ajlennon and @DmitriySalnikov for indefatiguable work on the github actions that are successfully building this plugin across all six GodotEngine supported platforms.

Demo example

An HTML5 demo is hosted at

The purpose of this demo is to test all the features so you can hear what the opus compression and noise cancelling settings do to the
sound of a voice.

  1. Clone/Download this repository and open the project in the example/ directory in Godot 4.3.
  2. Go to assetlib, search for twovoip, and install it. (Now on version 3.1)
  3. Run the app.
  4. If the microphone is working, then you should see a waveform in the app like this:


If there is no response on MacOS, it could be this issue
Go to Project Settings (with Advanced Settings selected) -> Audio -> Driver -> Mix rate and set to 48000

The top section of the user interface has the PTT (Press to Talk) button and Vox button (Voice Activity Detection) where the activation threshold is given in the slider below it (on top of the waveform). Click on [De-noise] to hear how recordings sound with and without this feature.


Use the [Play] button in the Recording Playback section to hear up to 10 seconds of the last recording you made by holding down the PTT (either manually or automatically by the Vox). The Bytes per second for the audio compression is shown here.


The LibOpus compression and resampling section has options for altering the frame size and compression rate on the recorded sample before you play it back so you can experiment with how it sounds with different settings. Since the internal Godot audio sample rate of 44.1kHz doesn't match the 48kHz that the Opus and RNNoise libraries are designed for, a function copied from the Speex codebase resamples it to the higher sample rate. If you are curious about what how much difference this 8% change in the sample rate makes, you can experiment with the "44.1kHz as 48kH" option.


Finally, there is an MQTT transmission section for you to publish audio packets over the network via a a broker on a topic. Click the [Connect] button to go online while a friend does the same on another computer and you should be able to talk to one another over the internet (don't forget to use the PTT button). Several presets are given for convenience, and it will automatically use websockets if you are operating from HTML5.


MQTT is a lightweight protocol implemented in another GodotEngine GDExtension and described here. Its publish and subscribe, and retained and last will messages system provides a simple basis for each player track who is joining or leaving the network. There is a line of text beginning with mosquitto_sub command that you can copy into your .

Minimal Use Case

If you are familiar with the Godot Audio system, the following minimal use case of this plugin should make sense:

As outlined in the docs, create an AudioStreamPlayer with stream=AudioStreamMicrophone, set it to Autoplay, and ensure your ProjectSettings have audio/driver/enable_input set to true. Set its bus to a new bus called "MicrophoneBus" which should be Muted to stop it creating a feedback loop to the output. Add an effect OpusChunked to the MicrophoneBus. This will only be an option if the twovoip addon is installed.

Assuming that AudioEffectOpusChunked is the first one on the bus, you can get a reference to it with

var microphoneidx = AudioServer.get_bus_index("MicrophoneBus")
var opuschunked : AudioEffectOpusChunked = AudioServer.get_bus_effect(microphoneidx, 0)

Now you can consume and transmit the byte chunks with the following code:

func _process(delta):
    var prepend = PackedByteArray()
    while opuschunked.chunk_available():
        var opusdata : PackedByteArray = opuschunked.opus_chunk(prepend)

At the other end you can decode the opus packets into an AudioStreamPlayer whose stream is set to an AudioStreamOpusChunked.

var audiostreamopuschunked : AudioStreamOpusChunked = $
var opuspacketsbuffer = [ ]   # append incoming packets to this list
var prefixbyteslength = 0
func _process(delta):
    while audiostreamopuschunked.chunk_space_available():
        var fec = 0
        audiostreamopuschunked.push_opus_packet(opuspacketsbuffer.pop_front(), prefixbyteslength, fec)

Opus packets don't have any context, so if you want to number them so they can be shuffled if they get out of order in the particular network data channel you are using, you can use the prepend array to splice an index value into a header. Then prefixbyteslength needs to be the same length as this header so it can be split off on its way to the decoder. The forward error correction flag, fec, can be set to 1 if the previous packet is missing.

If you want to attach only native Godot classes to the audio busses and audio streams you can do the same thing as above using the corresponding AudioEffectCapture and AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback object to handle the audio chunks in the form of PackerVector2Arrays while running these two external classes in isolation, like audioopuschunkedeffect.chunk_to_opus_packet(prefixbytes, audiosamples, denoise) and:

var audiostreamgeneratorplayback = $AudioStreamPlayer.get_stream_playback()
while audiostreamgeneratorplayback.get_frames_available() > audiostreamopuschunked.audiosamplesize:
    var audiochunk = audiostreamopuschunked.opus_packet_to_chunk(opuspacketsbuffer.pop_front(), prefixbyteslength, fec)

The chunk_max() function is for implementing a Vox (Voice Activity Detection) feature so that you can save processor cycles by dropping chunks before you opus encoding them. Or you can use denoise_resampled_chunk() (which requires resampling to 48kHz) to read a speech probability, or optionally measure chunk_max() post de-noising.

The opus compression and denoiser features need the chunks to be sent to them in order because they use the state recorded from earlier audio samples to provide context and improve the performance of the current chunk. Use flush_opus_encoder() if you anticipate a gap from the previous chunk (eg the PTT was off for a period and there was no processing). The undrop_chunk() function can roll back the chunk buffer and by some milliseconds so you can avoid clipping at the start of a speech sequence.

Build structure

There are three submodules in this repository.

godot-cpp is contains the header files and class definitions required to build a compiled GDExtension object that can dynamically link to the GodotEngine at runtime.

opus is the opus voice compression and decompression library from that generally takes an array of 960 pairs of floats representing 20ms of stereo audio samples at 48kHz and returns 20 to 30 bytes of compressed data for that chunk.

noise-suppression-for-voice contains a copy of the xiph/rnnoise code in its external/rnnoise directory with the all important CMakeLists.txt file that makes it possible to compile it on all the diffeerent platforms

The sequence of commands to build the system locally

nix-shell -p scons cmake ninja autoreconfHook # if you are on nix
scons apply_patches  # optional
scons build_opus     # build opus using cmake
scons build_rnnoise  # build opus using cmake
scons                # build this library

To compile for another platform like web, the commands are

scons apply_patches
scons platform=web target=template_release build_opus
scons platform=web target=template_release build_rnnoise
scons platform=web target=template_release

With OVRLipSync

This is a highly speculative component that takes advantage of the chunking feature in the OpusChunked effect, but which is currently closed source and distributed as a library only for Windows, Android and Mac. There is no Linux version. The github actions compiles a version for the available platforms with scons lipsync=yes and creates an addons/twovoip_lipsync that can be copied into a project

Download the OVRLipSync libraries from and unzip into top level as OVRLipSyncNative directory in this project. There is a stub include file for Linux that allows this GDExtension to compile without this library.

On Windows you may need to copy the OVRLipSyncNative/Lib/Win64/OVRLipSync.dll file to the same directory as your GodotEngine.exe so that it finds and links it.

For the addon to work correctly, twovoip_lipsync and twovoip cannot be used in the same project.

Nixos automated

The build system is defined by the flake.nix file

  • makes a result directory that needs to be copied into addons
nix build
cp result/addons/twovoip/*so addons/twovoip
  • android version:
nix build .#android
cp result/addons/twovoip/*so addons/twovoip

On Windows:

Use Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition with CMake option to open opus directory and convert cmake script to sln and then compile.

cd ../..
python -m SCons