
A Python project to configure the Qtile window manager

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Qtile config written in Python.

The config.py script is first called by qtile on startup.
Then the code runs and calls every other script to fully load the config.




see the qtile doc and this arch guide:

sudo pacman -S base-devel <video driver> xorg xorg-xinit qtile
yay -S nerd-fonts-mononoki
sudo pacman -S python-gobject gtk3
sudo pacman -S python python-pip gdk
pip install psutil dbus-next iwlib
cp -r /path/to/dotfiles/.config/qtile ~/.config

See this list to choose an appropriate video driver.

Some "lazy" dependencies, which can be installed automatically with the install.sh script:

  • dmenu_run
  • passmenu
  • nvim
  • emacsclient
  • tabbed
  • killall
  • xautolock,
  • checkupdates
  • pacman
  • ncdu
  • df
  • htop
  • cal
  • nmcli
  • bat
  • conky
  • discord,
  • slack
  • caprine
  • signal-desktop
  • thunderbird
  • alsamixer
  • python
  • btop,
  • htop
  • dunstctl
  • lazygit
  • scripts
  • blueman-manager
  • chromium
  • firefox,
  • dmscripts
  • emacs
  • moc
  • my scripts
  • neovim

A diagram of the whole project architecture.

      ┌─────────┐    ┌─────────┐    ┌────────┐
      └─────────┘    └┬───┬──┬─┘    └────────┘
                      │   │  │
         ┌────────────┘   │  └────────────────────┐
         ▼                ▼                       ▼
    ┌───────┐       ┌──────────┐             ┌──────────┐
 ┌─►│keys.py├────┐  │layouts.py│             │screens.py│
 │  └────┬──┘    │  └┬───────┬─┘             └────┬─────┘
 │       ▼       │   │       │                    │
 │┌─────────────┐│   │       │                    │
 ││extensions.py├┼───┼────┐  │                    │
 │└─────────────┘│   │    │  │        ┌──────┐    │
 │               │   │    │  │        │bar.py│◄───*
┌┴─────────┐     │   │    │  │        └┬──┬──┘    │
│widgets.py│◄────┼─*─┼────┼──┼──*──────┘  │       │
└────────┬─┘     │ │ │    │  │  │         │       │
         │       └─┼─┼────┼*─┼──┼──────┐  │       │
         │         │ │    ││ │  │      │  │       │
         │         ▼ ▼    ▼▼ ▼  ▼      ▼  ▼       │
         │   ┌────────┐  ┌────────┐  ┌────────┐   │
         │   │theme.py│◄─┤style.py├─►│utils.py│◄──*
         │   └────────┘  └────────┘  └────────┘   │
         │                 ▲    ▲                 │
         └─────────────────┘    └─────────────────┘