
Learning JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learning JavaScript


  • Install node.js node.js website
  • From VS Code Terminal, run npm install
  • Read the exercise comments
  • Look for hints in the challenges
  • Check your code into GitHub regularly

This project requires node.js to work properly. You can see if node is already installed on your machine by running the following command in a terminal:

npm --version

If node is installed, you should see a version number, otherwise you will see a message indicating the command is not recognized. You can install node on Windows or Mac, by visiting the node.js website. If you are using a ChromeBook, you can install node by running the following commands in a terminal:

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.37.2/install.sh | bash
source .bashrc
nvm install node

Once node is installed, run the following command from a Visual Studio Code terminal to install the npm dependencies:

npm install

Running the Exercise Unit Tests

This project uses the jest JavaScript testing framework to help you verify that you have completed the exercises properly. You have a couple of options to run the tests automatically as you make changes to your code.

The easiest option, is to follow the instructions in the exercise file that you are working in, this typically entails running a command that looks like this in a VS Code terminal:

npm run test-watch -- 1.01

This command will run the unit tests for the exercise code file that starts with "1.01" and automatically watch it for files changes, running the tests for you each time you save your file.

The second option is to install the Jest extension in VS Code. This gives you the ability to explore all the tests, and see failing tests directly in VS Code.

Although it is not required, you can install jest globally with npm using the following command: npm install -g jest

Project Structure


Checkout the exercises to learn the basics of JavaScript. These files contain unit tests to help you complete each task. Make sure to checkout the Resources to Enhance Your Learning section at the top of each exercise. These resources should help guide you in completing the exercises with ease.


The challenges are meant to be tackled at your own pace. The challenges range in difficulty, so some will be easier to complete than others. Some of the challenges contain hints that can help you complete them. Each challenge will typically have its own HTML and JavaScript file, that you can feel free to edit in any way you please. Challenges do not have unit tests, so you are free to explore you options in completing each one.

Checking In Your Progress

Make sure you regularly stage, commit and push your changes up to GitHub on a regular basis. I will continue to add exercises and challenges to my repository overtime, and you can get these changes by syncing your fork in GitHub. I will do my best not to change any of the core exercises or challenges to keep this syncing process as smooth as possible for you.

Happy Coding!!