
i am trying to be better at dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

These are my dotfiles. I am trying to be better about dotfiles so that I can use them across multiple computers.

/acpi_video0 files go in /etc/acpi/
everything else is probably homedir.


I use GNU Stow to manage my homedir's dotfiles.
To use stow:
Create a $stowdir. Mine is called dotfiles/.
For each package, create a subdir in the $stowdir. Technically speaking, everything at top level in the homedir could be in the same subdir.
I put all files related to m bash profile in $stowdir/bash/, even though .profile is technically not bash.
For dotfiles located in $HOME/.config/, the subdirs need to be in format $stowdir/packagename/.config/packagename. Example: $HOME/.config/i3/config will be in $stowdir/i3/.config/i3/config.
From the $stowdir, runnning stow . will symlink all of them. Alternatively, if you want to symlink a specific dir, stow bash will symlink everything in $stowdir/bash/.
Make sure that your git global knows where to look by checking the output of git config --list.