
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Renders an HTML Form to allow a user to provide a UCAN delegation and a File to upload to web3.storage.

The server has a stable signer DID set via W3_PRINCIPAL in the env.

Optionally set W3_PROOF to predefine the delegation to use. This would allow anyone to upload to your space!


  • pick a file to upload
  • take note of the did of the w3form deployment (i.e. the public key).
  • create a ucan delegation that allows uploads from that DID.
w3 delegation create $w3form --can store/add --can upload/add > w3form.ucan.car
  • in the form at that url, pick a file to upload for 'file'.
  • for 'authorization' choose that w3form.ucan.car
  • submit the form
  • go look in the space that was active when you did w3 delegation create ... using w3 ls or using console.web3.storage
  • try
curl https://w3form.bengo.workers.dev/ -F authorization=@/private/tmp/space-delegation-1706918136.ucan.car -F file=@/private/tmp/benfile.jpg


Shoutout to @vasco-santos. This uses his esbuild-plugin-w3up-client-wasm-import which worked great