
Rails API that import / displays the 311-cases of San Francisco.

Primary LanguageRuby

311 API

This is an API that displays the 311-cases of San Francisco. It was a technical test for a company. Check the original spec.

Usage example:

GET /cases.json
# Returns the "latest" 1 000 cases

GET /cases.json?since=1398465719
# Returns cases opened since UNIX timestamp 1398465719

GET /cases.json?status=open
# Returns cases that are in open state.

GET /cases.json?category=General%20Requests
# Returns cases that belong to "General Requests" category

GET /cases.json?near=37.77,-122.48
# Returns cases that were created within 5 mile radius of lat=37.77 and lng=-122.48

GET /cases.json?near=37.77,-122.48&status=open&category=General%20Requests
# API endpoint should be able to take any combination of GET params.

There are around 2,5 million records in the database. So the API never returns all the cases: it limits to the first 1 000 cases (ordered by ascending opened_at)

You can paginate through the API with the parameter since like:

Page number Query First case opened at: Last case opened at (UTC ISO8601) Lat case opened at (UNIX timestamp) Notes
1 /cases.json "2015-04-29T17:51:16Z" "2015-04-30T18:24:16Z" 1430418256 1st page
2 /cases.json?since=1430418256 "2015-04-30T18:24:16Z" "2015-05-01T19:46:34Z" 1430509594
... ... .... .... ....
n /case.json=since=1506516195 "2017-09-27T12:42:48Z" "2017-09-27T12:42:48Z" 1506516195 Last page

Set up

  • Install ruby 2.3.3. For instance, using rvm: rvm install 2.3.3
  • Install PostgreSQL, for instance, on OS X using homebrew: brew install postgresql
  • Install gem bundler: gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
  • Install dependencies: bundle install
  • Create Database: bundle install

Run it

  • The first time, create the database: bin/rake db:create
  • Ensure you run all the migrations: bin/rake db:migrate
  • Import new 311-cases: run rake cases:new:import. Take care the first time it will import all the cases more than 2,5 million!
  • Start the webserver: bin/rails s

Test suite

On top of each commit, all tests must pass:

  bundle exec rake

Check code syntax

On top of each commit, no offenses must be detected

  bundle exec rubocop -- .

Check security

On top of each commit, you should make a static security analysis with:

  bundle exec brakeman