
Location based augmented reality application made with web based library AR.js and A-frame. Application shows main attractions in a specified range with information that are fetched via Google Places API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


We used to travel with the help of printed maps and travel guides. Today we travel with the help of Google Map, Tripadvisor and other travel apps. Tomorrow we will travel with the help of augmented reality applications.


Live demo

To use this app, all you have to do is read the QR code, point the phone in any direction and the information will be available immediately.

live demo


live demo

Augmented Advanture uses augmented reality library AR.js with A-Frame and Google Places API for getting information about places.

How it works?

Application fetch data from Google Paces API. Data contains main attractions in a specified range. For each attraction an costum made icon is shown, which represesnt a specific attraction. After user clicks on an icon, another API call is made to get inforamtions about a place, such as opening hours, ratings and an image.