
test creating a simple serilog sink for konsole that uses v7 alpha theming

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Serilog Sink for Goblinfactory.Konsole

    // use this extension method to register
    // a Konsole serilogger
    // see full sample at bottom of page±
    .WriteTo.KonsoleWindow(logs, errors)

Sample serilog sink for konsole windows.

There's no solution file, how do I build it?

It's not meant to be "built" this is a demo project for you to copy (cut and paste) the KonsoleSink from and-or use to write your own custom Sink.

how to run

  1. git clone the project
  2. cd Sample then dotnet run

dotnet run will do everything, restore packages, build and run, it's quite kool.

How to use the Konsole Sink

var window = new Window();
var (main, right) = window.SplitLeftRight(BorderCollapse.None);
var (logs, errors) = right.SplitTopBottom("info", "errors and warnings");

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
    .WriteTo.KonsoleWindow(logs, errors)

main.WriteLine("Sample starting...");
Log.Debug("[DBG] sample is running");
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
    Log.Debug($"make scroll {x}");
Log.Information("[INF] Hello {Name} from thread {ThreadId}", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME"), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
Log.Warning("[WRN] No coins remain at position {@Position}", new { Lat = 25, Long = 134 });

catch (Exception e)
Log.Error(e, "[ERR] Something went wrong");
main.WriteLine("shutting down.");

Results in ... (screenshot when running on Mac OSX)
