// use this extension method to register
// a Konsole serilogger
// see full sample at bottom of page±
.WriteTo.KonsoleWindow(logs, errors)
Sample serilog sink for konsole windows.
It's not meant to be "built" this is a demo project for you to copy (cut and paste) the KonsoleSink from and-or use to write your own custom Sink.
- git clone the project
cd Sample
thendotnet run
dotnet run will do everything, restore packages, build and run, it's quite kool.
var window = new Window();
var (main, right) = window.SplitLeftRight(BorderCollapse.None);
var (logs, errors) = right.SplitTopBottom("info", "errors and warnings");
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.KonsoleWindow(logs, errors)
main.WriteLine("Sample starting...");
Log.Debug("[DBG] sample is running");
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
Log.Debug($"make scroll {x}");
Log.Information("[INF] Hello {Name} from thread {ThreadId}", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME"), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
Log.Warning("[WRN] No coins remain at position {@Position}", new { Lat = 25, Long = 134 });
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error(e, "[ERR] Something went wrong");
main.WriteLine("shutting down.");
Results in ... (screenshot when running on Mac OSX)