
random cut and paste cheats that I need from time to time

1 liner cheats

random cut and paste cheats that I need from time to time

Dark grey powershell prompt

function prompt { write-host $PWD -foregroundcolor darkgray; " >> "; }

shorter VScode terminal prompt

function prompt { $pd = new-object System.IO.FileInfo $PWD; write-host "$((''+$PWD).replace($HOME, '').replace($pd.Name, ''))" -ForegroundColor darkgray -nonewline; write-host $pd.Name -ForegroundColor green; return '> '; }


function prompt { 
        $pd = new-object System.IO.FileInfo $PWD
        write-host  "$((''+$PWD).replace($HOME, '').replace($pd.Name, ''))"  -ForegroundColor darkgray -nonewline
        write-host  $pd.Name -ForegroundColor green
        return '> '