Includes Webserver, to control the state of an IO-pin. Also includes endpoint, which can be fetched with prometheus.
- Upload sketch to ESP32 board
- Connect a common button to PIN32 (With pull-down resistor, so by default button state is LOW, until its pressed)
- To establish the first connection, press button to set ESP32 in Hotspot Setup mode
- Search with your smartphone (or other wifi device) for wifi-network "ESP32-AP" - connect to it
- A popup should get opened and you see the configuration UI - click "Configure Wifi Network" and select your local wifi, store credentials
- After 60 seconds, the device will try to connect to the given network credentials which you´ve entered
- Finally, open the Webserver by enter the IP-address into your browser. There you can switch the IO Pin-2, which will trigger the internal blue ESP32 LED to ON/OFF
- You can use the endpoint /state behind the IP-address, to open the prometheus endpoint- there you can see the state of the IO-Pin, which can be crawled by your own prometheus server to collect metrics.