
The fallback meta for Go Buffalo projects

MIT LicenseMIT

The Fallback .github for Gobuffalo

The default files for all gobuffalo projects.

Community Standards

  • LICENSE - MIT License


Reusable Workflows

The reusable workflows are shared workflows that can be called from the other workflow that is configured for each project.

Standard Go Test

The Standard Go Test, go-test.yml, will run configured go test command for the caller package on pre-configured environments. Currently, the test will run on the latest version of Ubuntu, macOS, and Windows OSes with supported go versions. The currently supported go versions are 1.17 and 1.18 as per the rule we support the last two versions.

Additionally, it runs Dependency Review Github Action to check if any vulnerable versions of dependencies could be introduced by PRs.

Standard Go Coverage

The Standard Go Coverage, go-coverage.yml, will run a coverage test on the latest version of Ubuntu with the latest supported version of go (currently 1.17), and will report the result to Code Climate, Coveralls, and Codecov.

Starter Workflows

The starter workflows are a kind of workflow template that could be used for a new project when configuring a test workflow.

Standard Go Test for Gobuffalo

The test-only workflow for Go packages.

This starter workflow can be used when configuring a new test. It calls reusable workflow "Standard Go Test" (go-test.yml) to run tests on supported platforms with supported go versions.

Extended Go Test for Gobuffalo

The extended testing workflow for Go packages. (standard test + test coverage)

This starter workflow can be used when configuring a new test that supports coverage reporting. It calls the reusable workflow "Standard Go Test" (go-test.yml) to run tests on supported platforms with supported go versions, then calls another reusable workflow "Standard Go Coverage" (go-coverage.yml) to run a coverage test on the latest version of Ubuntu with the latest supported version of go.

To use this test, the caller project should have a secret named CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID (Code Climate's reporter ID) then the secret will be automatically passed to the called workflow and will be used when the reusable workflow runs the coverage report.