- 0
#97 opened by palzhougithub - 2
- 10
Error: "System cannot find the file specified." opening port when port number is high ex: "COM15"
#47 opened by Edgar242 - 0
- 0
parity bit not working
#94 opened by lg007 - 3
- 0
protocol error' on CentOS7 Ubantu20.04
#92 opened by wgchaoer - 0
Modbus read velocity
#90 opened by odejesuscactus - 0
- 3
- 0
- 0
How to tell if server closes the connection?
#84 opened by Prushka - 1
Write registers in parallel over tcp
#72 opened by pdorrestijn - 1
Check if handler is connected
#44 opened by garciaolais - 1
#48 opened by ruixule - 1
- 0
About the functionFail
#81 opened by QiQi-OvO - 1
- 1
Why serial: timeout
#77 opened by 19872730540 - 1
write negative value.
#73 opened by April3xx - 0
golang >v.1.16.3 couldn't find package serial
#71 opened by pashok6798 - 6
Working with multiple serial devices
#43 opened by pbdqpbdq - 1
EOF panic modbus tcp-client.
#35 opened by mosleim - 1
RS485:How to set a customize rts handler
#58 opened by HarryChen001 - 0
Is there something like keep alive flag?
#69 opened by Serhioromano - 2
Serial Timeout after certain request fails
#56 opened by JoyG42 - 1
illegal function
#68 opened by Zichen0829 - 2
Slave Modbus RTU over TCP
#37 opened by clemansta - 1
Use of the library with Raspberry Pi 3 and a MAX13487E that has AutoDirection Control
#66 opened by lg007 - 2
- 2
Read data out of SMA sunnyBoy
#61 opened by rogierlommers - 0
#62 opened by fenglingxian - 1
#46 opened by kjcx - 1
- 0
TCP length header included device ID?
#59 opened by muhlemmer - 2
[SOLVED] Cannot wring single Coil
#57 opened by Serhioromano - 1
- 0
Read File Record Implement
#53 opened by airsence - 0
- 0
- 1
ValueError: The slave is indicating an error. The response is: '\x01\x83\x02\xc0\xf1'
#23 opened by arsohel - 0
macOS RTU not work
#41 opened by xft - 1
Modbus exceptions not handled
#38 opened by andig - 4
Polling modbus TCP
#34 opened by mhemeryck - 3
Tag a version
#32 opened by andig - 3
Output formatting inconsistent (minor)
#28 opened by andig - 0
Need the RS485 config support at modbus package
#29 opened by tonyho - 3
How to run?
#30 opened by agn-7 - 2
Windows serial receive
#21 opened by imr - 0
redundant condition
#26 opened by gwhite1893