ff stands for flags-first, and provides an opinionated way to populate a flag.FlagSet with configuration data from the environment. By default, it parses only from the command line, but you can enable parsing from a configuration file and/or environmental variables.
With everything enabled, the priority order is:
- Command line flags (highest priority)
- Configuration file
- Environment variables (lowest priority)
Define a flag.FlagSet in your func main.
func main() {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("my-program", flag.ExitOnError)
var (
listenAddr = fs.String("listen-addr", "localhost:8080", "listen address")
refresh = fs.Duration("refresh", 15*time.Second, "refresh interval")
debug = fs.Bool("debug", false, "log debug information")
_ = fs.String("config", "", "config file (optional)")
Then, call ff.Parse instead of fs.Parse.
ff.Parse(fs, os.Args[1:],
This example will parse flags from the commandline args, just like regular
package flag, with the highest priority. If a -config
file is specified, it
will try to parse it using the PlainParser, which expects files in this format.
listen-addr localhost:8080
refresh 30s
debug true
You could also use the JSONParser, which expects a JSON object.
"listen-addr": "localhost:8080",
"refresh": "30s",
"debug": true
Or, you could write your own config file parser.
// ConfigFileParser interprets the config file represented by the reader
// and calls the set function for each parsed flag pair.
type ConfigFileParser func(r io.Reader, set func(name, value string) error) error
Finally, it will look in the environment for variables with a MY_PROGRAM
prefix. Flag names are capitalized, and separator characters are converted to
underscores. In this case, for example, MY_PROGRAM_LISTEN_ADDR
would match to
Building a commandline application in the style of kubectl
or docker
Consider package ffcli.