

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NPM version

JSON-Schema Prompt Inquirer

What's up?

JSON Schema Octopus

Hey there! This is a simple json-schema inquirer ([json]sch[ema]inquirer), based on famous prompt inquirer and is-my-json-valid validator.

Getting started

npm install --save schinquirer


var schinquirer = require("schinquirer");

        name: {
            type: "string",
            pattern: "\d-\d"
        car: {
            type: "string",
            enum: ["audi", "bmw", "mercedes", "volkswagen"],
            message: "Which car?",
            default: "mercedes"
    function(answers) {
        console.log(answers.name, "drives", answers.car);


prompt(schema: Object [, callback: Function(answers: Object)]): Promise

Asks questions by given schema, validates the answers and then invoke callback with them.

Returns native Promise (in node < 0.12 - user tiny Promise/A+ compatible library promiscuous).

Note, that schema object is a value of schema.properties property.

Extensions to schema

You could use these fields additionally to your schema object:

  • message string - message (question) to show, if not present property name will printed;
  • default * - default value;
  • when Object{key: string, equal: *} - ask question, when some answer with key equal to equal;
  • formatter string["number"] - determine which formatter to apply for the input (available is: number);
  • formatter Function -> * - formatter, applying to the value, returning formatted value.