
MiniO verify interface sensitive information disclosure vulnerability (CVE-2023-28432)


MiniO verify interface sensitive information disclosure vulnerability (CVE-2023-28432)

Chinese name: MinIO verify 接口敏感信息泄露漏洞(CVE-2023-28432)

Description : MinIO is an open source object storage service that is compatible with the Amazon S3 API and can be used in private or public clouds. MinIO is a high-performance, high-availability distributed storage system that can store large amounts of data and provide high-speed read and write capabilities for data. MinIO adopts a distributed architecture and can run on multiple nodes to realize distributed storage and processing of data.

Impact : There is a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability in the MiniO verify interface, which allows attackers to read sensitive system information by constructing special URL addresses.

Goby Official URL: https://gobies.org/

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  1. GitHub issue: https://github.com/gobysec/Goby/issues
  2. Telegram Group: http://t.me/gobies (Group benefits: enjoy the version update 1 month in advance)
  3. Telegram Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/ENkApMqOonRhZjFl (Channel benefits: enjoy the version update 1 month in advance)
  4. WeChat Group: First add my personal WeChat: gobyteam, I will add everyone to the official WeChat group of Goby. (Group benefits: enjoy the version update 1 month in advance)