ES6 + AngularJS

This is a sample Angular 1.3 application that is structured using ES6 modules and adheres to the GoCardless Angular style guide.


  • node.js: brew install node

Application Dependencies

All the dependencies required for the build system, testing and so on are managed with npm and defined in package.json. They can be installed with:

npm install

Running the Application

You can run npm start to fire up the application on http://localhost:3010.


You can use npm test to run JSHint, Karma Unit tests and our E2E tests.

Typically in development we run only unit tests. You can run these with Karma:

./node_modules/.bin/karma start

Karma will automatically watch the files and rerun tests when files change.

Live Reloading

Install the fb-flo chrome extension.

To enable live-reloading have the developer tools open and activate fb-flo.

Build & Deployment

Create a production optimized build using AssetGraph Builder:

DIST=./dist ./script/build

Debugging Protractor (E2E) tests

Running individual files

Serve client/ on port 3010

npm start

Run protractor with --specs option

HTTP_PORT=3010 ./node_modules/.bin/protractor --specs client/app/routes/mandates/show/mandates-show.e2e.js

Pausing the browser

Add browser.pause(); to your spec.

it('renders index', function() {

  // Use browser.pause() in your test to enter the protractor debugger from
  // that point in the control flow. Does not require changes to the command line
  // (no need to add 'debug').
