
Institution: San Jose State University. SPRING 2016

We have developed a blind stick which provides vibration feedback on getting any information about the obstacles around the stick. Such a device would help a lot of blind people who need obstacle assistance in daily life. This device would include some ultrasonic obstacle sensors and a laser sensor to ignore the ground as an obstacle. The handle of the stick would provide a vibration feedback if it detects any obstacle. This feedback would not be a simple feedback. There would be vibrators installed on three sides of the handle. If the stick detects an obstacle on the left side, the stick handle would vibrate from the left side and similarly for the center and right side. This would help the user to react to these situation properly. Apart from this major feature, we have proposed two important features. One of which is a key locator and the other is an automatic messaging system. The key locator would help the blind person to find the bunch of keys wherever they are in the house. The other feature is an automatic messaging system which would send a message when a panic button is pressed. This button would be pressed when the user feels there is some kind of danger and need to send a message to close people.