
Setup script for codeup students' laptop

Primary LanguageShell

Codeup Setup Script

Setup script for Codeup students' laptops to install all of the tools we will need for the java course. We will install the following:

  • xcode: command line tools for macs
  • brew: package manager for macs
  • java
  • tomcat: the java webserver
  • maven: a java dependency and build management tool
  • mysql: the database we'll use for the class
  • node js: a JavaScript runtime outside the browser
  • npm: a package manager for JavaScript
  • intellij: a Java IDE

In addition, we will:

  • setup ssh keys for the student's laptop and guide them through the process of linking their ssh key to their Github account.
  • Setup a global gitignore file and set the default commit editor to nano (only if these are not already set)

For Students

Copy and paste the following in your terminal:

bash -c "$(curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gocodeup/codeup-setup-script/master/install.sh)"

Note for Instructors

If students already have an id_rsa ssh key generated, the script will not try to generate a new ones, and you will need to walk them through the process of adding their existing key to Github.

The following should do the trick if they already have a ssh key pair, but it's not wired up to Github.

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
open https://github.com/settings/ssh