
Modbus RTU Master and Slave for STM32 using Cube HAL and FreeRTOS

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

Modbus library for STM32 Microcontrollers

USART and USB-CDC Modbus RTU Master and Slave library for STM32 microcontrollers based on Cube HAL and FreeRTOS.

Includes multiple examples for popular development boards including BluePill, NUCLEO-64, NUCLEO-144 and Discovery Boards (Cortex-M3/M4/M7).

This is a port of the Modbus library for Arduino: https://github.com/smarmengol/Modbus-Master-Slave-for-Arduino

Video demo for STM32F4-dicovery board and TouchGFX: https://youtu.be/XDCQvu0LirY


  • Portable to any STM32 MCU supported by ST Cube HAL.
  • Multithread-safe implementation based on FreeRTOS.
  • Multiple instances of Modbus (Master and/or Slave) can run concurrently in the same MCU, only limited by the number of available UART/USART of the MCU.
  • RS232 and RS485 compatible.
  • NEW: USB-CDC support

File structure

├── README.md
├── ModbusBluepill --> STM32F103C8 USART Slave example
├── ModbusBluepillUSB --> STM32F103C8 USART + USB-CDC Master and Slave example
├── ModbusF103 --> NUCLEO64-F103RB Modbus Master and Slave example
├── ModbusF429 --> NUCLEO144-F429ZI Modbus Slave example
├── ModbusH743 --> NUCLEO144-H743ZI Modbus Slave example
├── ModbusF303 --> NUCLEO64-F303RE Modbus Slave example
├── ModbusSTM32F4-discovery --> STM32F4-discovery TouchGFX + Modbus Master example
├── MODBUS-LIB --> Library Folder
    ├── Inc
    │   └── Modbus.h 
    └── Src
        ├── Modbus.c 
        └── UARTCallback.c 

How to use the examples

Examples provided for STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.3.0 https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.html.

  • Import the examples in the STM32Cube IDE from the system folder
  • Connect your NUCLEO board
  • Compile and start your debugging session!
  • If you need to adjust the Baud rate or any other parameter use the Cube-MX assistant (recommended). If you change the USART port you need to enable the interrupts for the selected USART. Check UARTCallback.c for more details.
  • For the ModbusF103 example, you need and extra USB-to-serial adapter, or you can connect the Master and Slave instances in a loopback (USART1 <--> USART3).


The USB-CDC example supports only the Bluepill development board. It has not been validated with other development boards. To use this example, you need to activate the USB-CDC in the following line in Modbus.h file:


Modbus instances over USART and USB-CDC can run simultaneously in Master or Slave modes concurrently. It is restricted to 1 USB-CDC interface and 3 USART interfaces for the Bluepill Board.

How to port to your own MCU

  • Create a new project in STM32Cube IDE
  • Configure a USART and activate the global interrupt of it
  • Configure the Preemption priority of USART interrupt to a lower priority (5 or a higher number for a standard configuration) than your FreeRTOS scheduler. This parameter is changed in the NVIC configuration pane.
  • Import the Modbus library folder (MODBUS-LIB) using drag-and-drop from your host operating system to your STM32Cube IDE project
  • When asked, choose link folders and files
  • Update the include paths in the project's properties to include the Inc folder of MODBUS-LIB folder
  • Instantiate a new global modbusHandler_t and follow the examples provided in the repository
  • Note: If the USART interrupts service for other purposes you have to modify the UARTCalback.c file accordingly

Recommended Modbus Master and Slave testing tools for Linux and Windows

Master client Qmodbus

Linux: https://launchpad.net/~js-reynaud/+archive/ubuntu/qmodbus

Windows: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qmodbus/

Slave simulator

Linux: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pymodslave/

Windows: https://sourceforge.net/projects/modrssim2/


  • Implement wrapper functions for Master function codes. Currently, telegrams are defined manually.
  • Improve function documentation
  • Improve the queue for data reception; the current method is too heavy it should be replaced with a simple buffer, a stream, or another FreeRTOS primitive. Solved Queue repalced by a Ring Buffer (03/19/2021)
  • Test with Rs485 transceivers (implemented but not tested) Verified with MAX485 transceivers (01/03/2021)
  • MODBUS TCP implementation

Modbus函式庫For STM32微處理器


  • 可移植到ST Cube HAL支持的任何STM32 MCU。
  • 基於FreeRTOS的多線程安全實現。
  • Modbus的多個實例(主站和/或從站)可以在同一MCU中同時運行,僅受MCU可用UART / USART數量的限制(板子有多少串口就可以用多少)。
  • 支援RS232與RS485(注意! 485需要接RE DE發送/接收 控制腳位)
  • 新! USB-CDC 支援


├── README.md
├── ModbusBluepill --> STM32F103C8 USART Slave example
├── ModbusBluepillUSB --> STM32F103C8 USART + USB-CDC Master and Slave example
├── ModbusF103 --> NUCLEO64-F103RB Modbus Master and Slave example
├── ModbusF429 --> NUCLEO144-F429ZI Modbus Slave example
├── ModbusH743 --> NUCLEO144-H743ZI Modbus Slave example
├── ModbusF303 --> NUCLEO64-F303RE Modbus Slave example
├── ModbusSTM32F4-discovery --> STM32F4-discovery TouchGFX + Modbus Master example
├── MODBUS-LIB --> Library Folder
    ├── Inc
    │   └── Modbus.h 
    └── Src
        ├── Modbus.c 
        └── UARTCallback.c 


首先先去意法官方下載STM32CubeIDE : https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.html

  • 導入範例到Stm32 IDE裡
  • 連接你的開發板
  • 編譯你的程式,或是Debug模式(F11)
  • 如果有需要修改胞率,可以使用STM32 CubeMX修改(Stm32CubeIDE已經把MX功能融合了,所以也可以用IDE修改,副檔名為ioc的就是STM32的配置檔),有關更多信息,可以嘗試配置UARTCallback.c
  • 在本範例中STM32F103 [串口1是Master] [串口3是Slave] 可以實現閉迴路測試 (USART1 <-> USART3)



  • 首先STM32CUBEIDE 開啟新專案
  • 配置串口的中斷(NVIC)!!
  • 配置FreeRTOS CMSIS V2.0 設定為開啟,並且設定中斷優先級(5或更高的數字[{預設/標準}配置])
  • 在FreeRTOS裡新增Task任務
  • Slave名子 myTaskSlave 函式名稱 StartSlaveTask
  • Master名子 myTaskMaster 函式名稱 StartMasterTask
  • 導入頭文件,打開stm32目錄資料夾,對專案右鍵,最下面的配置,找到include導入 MODBUS-LIB
  • Main.c 初始化函式庫
  • Main.h 新增全局函數 (extra)
  • 提示: 如果USART中斷服務用於其他目的,則必須相應地修改UARTCalback.c文件


Master client Qmodbus

Linux: https://launchpad.net/~js-reynaud/+archive/ubuntu/qmodbus

Windows: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qmodbus/

Slave simulator

Linux: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pymodslave/

Windows: https://sourceforge.net/projects/modrssim2/


  • 為主功能代碼實現包裝器功能。 當前,telegrams是手動定義的。
  • 改進功能文檔
  • 改善數據接收隊列; 當前方法過於繁重,應將其替換為簡單的緩衝區,流或其他FreeRTOS原語。 已解決的隊列由環形緩衝區重新填充 Ring Wiki(03/19/2021)
  • 使用Rs485收發器進行測試(已實現,但未經測試)已通過MAX485收發器進行了驗證(01/03/2021)
  • Modbus TCP功能實現