
Simple ActiveRecord integration for Grape apps

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Simple integration of ActiveRecord connections and Rake tasks with Grape. Supports ActiveRecord 4.x. Inspired by sinatra-activerecord (github.com/janko-m/sinatra-activerecord).

Add to your Gemfile

gem 'grape-activerecord'

Set database config

# Use a Hash
Grape::ActiveRecord.database = {adapter: 'postgresql', host: 'localhost', database: 'db', username: 'user', password: 'pass', encoding: 'utf8', pool: 10, timeout: 5000}

# or a URL
Grape::ActiveRecord.database_url = 'postgres://user:pass@localhost/db'

# or a YAML file
Grape::ActiveRecord.database_file = 'config/database.yml'

If you don’t specify any configuration, grape-activerecord will first look in DATABASE_URL, then in config/database.yml.

Include Grape::ActiveRecord::Extension

class MyApi < Grape::API
  include Grape::ActiveRecord::Extension

This will establish the database connections and (usually) correctly return used connections to the pool after each request. NOTE If you’re mounting sub Grape apps, you need only include grape-activerecord in the root app.


It’s recommended that you manually include ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement yourself BEFORE mounting your Grape app (github.com/intridea/grape/issues/517#issuecomment-60969722). The top of your config.ru file is a good place:

# config.ru
use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement
run MyGrapeApi

Example Rakefile with ActiveRecord tasks

require 'bundler/setup'
require 'grape/activerecord/rake'

namespace :db do
  # Some db tasks require your app code to be loaded
  task :environment do
    require_relative 'app'

This will give you most of the standard “db:” tasks you get in Rails. Run “bundle exec rake -T” to get a full list. Note that unlike in Rails, creating a new migration is also a rake task:

bundle exec rake db:create_migration NAME=create_widgets

Example app

Look under /examples for some example apps.