
1v1 picture battle webapp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Totem Server


Try it out!

  1. git clone https://github.com/MagnusFrater/Totem.git
  2. cd Totem/
  3. npm run init-prod
  4. fill out your .env
  5. npm start
  6. Open your favourite browsercoughchromecough
  7. Visit http://localhost


$ = unauthenticated routes


Header Key: Authorization

Header Value: Bearer JWT

replace JWT with the one you recieve from a successful signup/login

Body Encoding

Any route that requires an image file to be uploaded: multipart/form-data

All other routes: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Endpoint Description
/ splash page
/signup signup page
/login login page
/forgot-password forgotten password page
/public global feed
/private friend feed
/profile profile page
/settings settings page


Name Type Description
email string user identifier (unique)
username string user identifier (unique)
display_name string fun name/title
emoji string icon
tiki_tally integer status of the user on Totem, count of other user interactions of their content
polls_created integer number of polls created
win_rate double ratio of challenge poll wins/losses
friend_state string friendship state ('N/A' if not currently friends, no pending request, or if the user is you)
Method Endpoint Description Parameters
POST $ /api/user/signup signs up a new user account email, username, display_name, password, emoji
POST $ /api/user/login logs a user in username, password
GET /api/user/me returns your account information
GET /api/user/me/polls returns polls created by this account
GET /api/user/profile/:username returns that user's account information (replace :username with a real username)
GET /api/user/profile/:username/polls returns polls created by this account (replace :username with a real username)
GET /api/user/search?username=<username> returns a list of all user accounts with similar usernames (replace <username> with a real username)
GET /api/user/all returns a list of all user accounts
PUT /api/user/update updates your account, must pick at least one optional Body parameter to update display_name, emoji
GET /api/user/history returns your poll vote history
POST /api/user/verify-email sends an email to help verify the user account's email email, hash
POST $ /api/user/forgot-username sends an email the contains the correct user account's username email
POST /api/user/forgot-password sends an email to help start the renew password process
POST /api/user/renew-password updates the user account's password email, hash, password


Name Type Description
username string user identifier (unique)
display_name string fun name/title
emoji string icon
tiki_tally integer status of the user on Totem, count of other user interactions of their content
friends string friendship state
Method Endpoint Description Parameters
POST /api/user/friend creates friend request friend_username
GET /api/user/friend/requests returns a list of all friend requests
PUT /api/user/friend accepts a friend request friend_username
GET /api/user/friend returns a list of all your friends
DELETE /api/user/friend deletes friend / friend request friend_username


Themes: memes, fashion, movie, music, animals, nature, buildings, cities, food, beauty, color, space, vehicles, sports, other

Name Type Description
id integer poll identifier (unique)
created_at datetime SQL datetime the poll was created (year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds)
display_name string fun name/title of poll
theme string poll category
creator string username of the user that created the poll
opponent string username of the user that is being challenged (challenge poll only)
image_1 string path to the first image
image_2 string path to the second image
votes_1 integer vote count for image_1
votes_2 integer vote count for image_2
state string (challenge only: pending, ready,) active, expired
type string personal, challenge
scope string private, public
duration integer total minutes that the poll should be active for
start_time datetime SQL datetime the poll started (year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds)
end_time datetime SQL datetime the poll should end (year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds)
voted integer value the user set as their vote (only exists if the user has already voted on this particular poll)
Method Endpoint Description Parameters
POST /api/poll/personal creates a personal poll display_name, theme, creator, duration, scope, image_1, image_2
POST /api/poll/challenge creates a challenge request display_name, theme, creator, opponent, duration, scope, image
GET /api/poll/challenge/requests returns a list of all your received challenge requests
GET /api/poll/challenge/requests/sent returns a list of all your sent challenge requests
PUT /api/poll/challenge/request/:id accepts a challenge request (replace :id with a real poll id) image
DELETE /api/poll/challenge/request/:id rejects a challenge request (replace :id with a real poll id)
GET /api/poll/challenge/requests/accepted returns a list of all your accepted challenge requests
PUT /api/challenge/request/accepted/:id starts a challenge (replace :id with a real poll id)
GET /api/poll/:id returns that poll's information (replace :id with a real poll id)
GET /api/poll/search/private?themes=<themes> returns a list of private polls (replace <themes> with a real comma-delimited string of themes)
GET /api/poll/search/public?themes=<themes> returns a list of public polls (replace <themes> with a real comma-delimited string of themes)
PUT /api/poll/vote/:id replace :id with a real poll id, sets a vote on a poll vote


Method Endpoint Description Parameters
GET /api/feed/public?sort=<sort> returns a user's public feed (replace with a real sort: asc, desc)
GET /api/feed/private?sort=<sort> returns a user's private feed (replace with a real sort: asc, desc)


  • Framework: Node/Express
  • Database: Sqlite


  • npm run init-prod
    • one line production server setup script
  • npm start
    • starts up the production server
  • npm run dev
    • starts up the developer server
  • npm run init-db-prod
    • creates fresh production database
  • npm run init-db-dev
    • creates fresh development database
  • npm run unit-tests
    • runs all unit tests
  • npm run line-count
    • prints every file's line count and the sum of all line counts for every file created by the entire team (both including, and not including, newlines and comments)
  • npm run backend-line-count
    • prints every file's line count and the sum of all line counts for every file created by Todd (MagnusFrater) (both including, and not including, newlines and comments)
  • npm run frontend-line-count
    • prints every file's line count and the sum of all line counts for every file created by Cameron (glass10), Nirali (niralirai), Dominic (DominicM36), and Rishabh (rramsisa) (both including, and not including, newlines and comments)