
A tiny tool to automatically collect messages in source file and transfer them into message properties file

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A tiny tool to automatically collect messages in source file and transfer them into message properties file

Why Message-Go

In SF's project, i18n is an important thing we should take care of as an engineer. Commonly, these static messages should be put in the sfmessages-MODULE.properties.utf8.

Problems here!

When you (as an UI developer) develop a new feature for some au module, you have to put the new messages in the sfmessages-MODULE.properties.utf8 file which is located in V4. Then it is required to REBUILD v4 and REDEPLOY your module to get the new messages. As shown in the following chart, the process is really crappy:

  | add/change messages |<--------+
  | in sfmessages-MO... |         |
  +---------------------+         |
            +                     |
            |                     |
            v                     |
  +---------------------+         |
  |     rebuild V4      |         |
  +---------------------+         |
            +                     |
            |                     |
            v                     |
  +---------------------+         |
  |  redeploy au module |         |
  +---------------------+         |
            +                     |
            |                     |
            v                     |
  +---------------------+         |
  |  Need more changes  |+--------+

So, here comes Message-Go, Message-Go gives you a more efficient way to add new messages, as described in the following:

  1. You just add messages in your source file(like new-feature.js) anyway(At the top of the source file is recommended), like


    // use the message in the same way as in production html.push(MSGS.HOMEPAGE_ADMIN_LABEL_SHOW); ...

  2. Message-Go will COLLECT all the messages in your source file(or directory) , put them into sfmessages-MODULE.properties.utf8 automatically after your confirmed you don't wanna change them any more and run Message-Go.

The following chart shows the advantage to use Message-Go compared with the common way:

        OLD PROCESS                     WITH MESSAGE-GO
      ---------------                  -----------------

  +---------------------+          +------------------------+
  | add/change messages |<--+      | add/change messages in |<--+
  | in sfmessages-MO... |   |      | source file directly   |   |
  +---------------------+   |      +------------------------+   |
            +               |                  +                |
            |               |                  |                |
            v               |                  v                |
  +---------------------+   |      +------------------------+   |
  |     rebuild V4      |   |      |        deploy-js       |   |
  +---------------------+   |      +------------------------+   |
            +               |                  +                |
            |               |                  |                |
            v               |                  v                |
  +---------------------+   |      +------------------------+   |
  |  redeploy au module |   |      |    Need more changs    |+--+
  +---------------------+   |      +------------------------+
            +               |                  
            |               |                  
            v               |                  
  +---------------------+   |      
  |  Need more changes  |+--+

As you see, with Message-Go, you don't need to rebuild and redeploy anymore, it will make better powerful if it is used with NProxy and you can say GOODBYE to build system as a UI developer.

The following chart shows the great powerful from NProxy and Message-Go:

    -----------------                ----------------------------

  +------------------------+          +------------------------+
  | add/change messages in |<--+      | add/change messages in |<--+
  | source file directly   |   |      | source file directly   |   |
  +------------------------+   |      +------------------------+   |
            +                  |                  +                |
            |                  |                  |                |
            v                  |                  v                |
  +------------------------+   |      +------------------------+   |
  |      deploy-js         |   |      |    Need more changs    |+--|
  +------------------------+   |      +------------------------+   
            +                  |       
            |                  |       
            v                  |       
  +------------------------+   |     
  |  Need more changs      |+--|   


npm i -g message-go


npm update -g message-go


mgo -f /Users/goddyzhao/project/js -t /Users/goddyzhao/project/sfmessage.properties

Note: -f(from) can be a js file or directory(Message-Go will treat only js file now) -t(to) should be a file but not directory

More Options Usage: mgo [options]


-h, --help         output usage information
-V, --version      output the version number
-f, --from [from]  Specify a single source file or directory including messages
-t, --to [to]      Specify the message property file


Message-Go is available under the terms of the MIT License