Rigger CI host service
To start a rigger host run:
$ sudo rigger [options]
To see all available options:
$ sudo rigger -h
Usage of rigger:
-c, --config="/etc/rigger.conf" Load configuration from file
-d, --daemon=false Enable daemon mode
-l, --logfile="/var/log/rigger.log" Path to rigger log file
-p, --port=9876 RPC Port
--pidfile="/var/run/rigger.pid" Path to use for PID file
-v, --version=false Print version information and quit
To get started install godeps first.
To compile rigger just call:
$ make all
It will create a bin
folder in the project root and will also put a copy into your GOPATH/bin
for convenience.
You've got two options to run the test suite:
$ make test
Or if you'd like to see a coverage report:
$ make cov
Note: coverage report requires gocov and gocov-html.
Rigger is in active development and currently unsuitable for production use.
Users are encouraged to experiment with Rigger but should assume there are stability, security, and performance weaknesses throughout the project.
Please report bugs as issues on the appropriate repository.
We welcome and encourage community contributions to Rigger.
Since the project is still unstable, there are specific priorities for development. Pull requests that do not address these priorities will not be accepted until Rigger is production ready.
There are many ways to help besides contributing code:
- Fix bugs or file issues
- Improve the documentation
- Contribute financially to support core development (please contact hello@rigger.io)