
Use Latexmk With Synctex and Constant Preview

Primary LanguageMakefile

Use Latexmk With SyncTeX and Constant Preview

This repository accompanies the blog post paulklemm.com/blog/2014-07-16-use-github-for-scientific-writing/.

The makefile contains rules for compiling the article.tex LaTeX file using latexmk. The makefile can be used as follows:

  • make creates the PDF article.pdf,
  • make watch creates the PDF article.pdf and watches for changes in the article.tex files and will recompile as soon as it detects changes,
  • make clean removes all files generated in the compilation process, including the resulting PDF file.

If your editor and PDF viewer both support SyncTeX (e.g., Sublime Text 3 with LaTeXTools and Skim) you can jump in between them.

jump between editor and pdf viewer