
this is an experiment to the models of spellbook

Primary LanguageScala

This is an experiment to the models of Spellbook,
a game I designed years ago, but never implemented.
It was based on VM series[0][1] from Falcom and
Magic: The Gathering™ from Wizards of the Coast.

I would import a few documents written before,
after translating them from Chinese to English,
or should i just import them and write docs in Chinese?

Design Reference

Runtime/Development Dependency

Installing on Windows

  • build spellbook



    sbt package

Installing on Mac

  • install scala

    brew install scala

  • install jruby

    brew install jruby

  • download scalacheck

    wget http://scalacheck.googlecode.com/files/scalacheck_2.8.1-1.8.jar

  • build spellbook



    sbt package

Installing on Arch (Linux)

  • build spellbook



    sbt package

Running tests

  • scalacheck


  • plain old println test


  • ruby to scala and scala to ruby test
